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Marijuana extracts, edibles allowed to be sold in Oregon

Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill on Tuesday that allows anyone 21 and older to purchase marijuana extracts and pot-infused edibles from Oregon dispensaries.

The provision is part of Senate Bill 1511, which also allows recreational pot shops to sell tax-free medical marijuana to patients.

The Oregon Health Authority said on Tuesday that it first needs to draft rules for the sale of marijuana extracts and edibles before dispensaries may sell them to recreational users and declined to say when the products would be available to the 21 and older market.

The Oregon Legislature last year allowed dispensaries to sell a limited amount of marijuana flowers, as well as young pot plants and seeds, to consumers 21 and older. Marijuana extracts, edibles and other products long available on the medical market have been off limits to recreational shoppers.

By the end of the year, the production, processing and sale of recreational marijuana will shift to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, but for now recreational sales fall within the health authority’s purview.

The new law allows stores to sell a single low-doze unit of an edible and the equivalent of a vaporizer pen containing a marijuana extract to persons 21 or older. Shops may also sell non-psychoactive products intended for use on a person’s hair or skin.